Docusign details
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Enable Signing Order will ensure the recipients sign in the order they’ve been added to the recipients list when the document is sent out.
CC Follows Signing Order: Docusign will send recipients not required to sign an email a copy of the document at their position within the recipients list. Not checking this box will likely result in all the non-signing recipients receiving a copy of the unsigned document.
Docusign Account ID: If you have multiple Docusign accounts within a Docusign organisation you can enter the specific ID you wish to send documents through for this template. If this is left blank then the master Docusign account will be used.
Brands allows you to select from your list of available Docusign brands.
Send on behalf of: If this option is left blank then all Docusign emails will appear to have been sent from the Docusign admin account that was set up during your Kyloe AwesomeDocs implementation.
If an email address is entered here then the Docusign emails will appear to come from that particular user. Alternatively, 'corporateUser' can be entered here. This will use the email address stored against the user's Bullhorn account.
NOTE: Any email address entered here, or against a Bullhorn user, must exist within your Docusign account. If it does not match then the AwesomeDoc will not send.
Recipients > Add Recipient: Recipients holds the list of default recipients to receive the outgoing document.
NOTE: This does not utilise Bullhorns mailer – it is intended to be used with the Docusign integration.
Subject | Body: The Docusign envelope must have a subject line and email body. If either is left blank the user will see an error.
The green plus button will currently be greyed-out. This allows the addition of template parts, which can only be done once the new template has been saved for the first time.
Save will create the new template and allow access to the file parts.