
When Kyloe Workflow is processing a template it can sometimes encounter fields with no content. If the field is blank this is not an issue. However, sometimes the field within Bullhorn can be 'Null'. This is a special state of emptiness and can generate an error.

To avoid this we add null-checking to all our merge fields:


This extra set of characters is an IF statement. In full it has the form:

${ condition ? true : false}

You may have come across something like this in Excel as IIf(), for example. Workflow checks the condition and either displays the true or false portion. The following examples may help:


${5 > 4 ? "Yellow" : "Green"}


${3 > 6 ? "Brown" : "Orange"}


In the case of null fields we use a shorthand to simply display the field, if populated, or show a fixed string. Anything can be placed in the empty string. Some users like the following:

${candidate.firstName?:"[NO DATA]"}// Some code

This displays the field contents if populated and [NO DATA] if null. This can make it very obvious in an email preview when information is missing in Bullhorn. This is usually enough to stop a consultant from sending out an incorrectly-populated email.

Last updated

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