Send Published document and see activity
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Once you have added all recipients (1) you have the option to email selected recipients (2) using the white envelope or email all recipients added (3) using the black envelope.
Selecting either envelope option will present the following Mailer screen:
Published Document is the title of the document.
From is the sender's email address.
Recipients lists the recipients.
Subject allows you to edit the Subject before sending.
Attachments allows the attaching of files to include as attachments. The list of files will be based on the entity the Publish Document is created from.
Save as a Note: Checking this will generate a note against the recipient record in Bullhorn.
Email body allows you to edit the Publish email before sending. Be careful to avoid amending the templated link. This will be replaced by a unique link for each recipient.
Send: Once you are happy with the Publish email which you are sending, click Send.
Once your Published document has been sent out you will be able to see the Activity for your Published document on the Edit Recipients screen for your document.
Each of the feedback sections can be expanded to view the information of who:
Liked lists how many liked the document and by expand you’ll get the access to a list of the recipients who has clicked the LIKE option in the Published document.
Viewed lists how many has clicked on the URL in the email to view the Published document.
Sent lists the recipients. How many it was sent to.
Draft lists the recipents that have been added but the document has not been sent to.
There is no option for disliked in the Published document Activity overview. This information is available within the Sent to part of the Kyloe Publish tab.